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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Peeps by Scott Westerfeld

As I mentioned, I do love Vampire stories. Peeps so far is a very different kind of vampire story. Here vampirism is actually a disease caused by a parasite and spreadable through biting (naturally!), kissing, etc. Our protagonist Cal is himself a vampire but is immune to many of the typical vampire symptoms. Unfortunately, his past girlfriends weren't so lucky, so he must now locate each one and, with the help of a special secret agency, help contain the spread of vampirism. And of course, a new love interest frustrates the situation as he can't act on any emotions (see kissing=girlfriend vampire). Sounds pretty hokey, but it's actually pretty darn good. And because vampirism is so different in this book, it's hard to predict where things will head. Turns out there's WAY more to this story than Cal even knows and mysteries are revealed at a frantic pace at the end. The plot gets a little complicated and darned if I didn't realize this is a series! I only purchased the first novel, but I'll hunt down the sequel The Last Days soon, I promise!
Scott Westerfeld has been getting a lot of buzz. This is the first novel of his I've read, but I just purchased several more (non-vampire) titles. Check below my review of Twilight (below) for more vampire recommendations. I'm on a vampire reading spree, so you'll be hearing more as I finish them.

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