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Monday, December 3, 2007

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

This is the second book in the Twilight trilogy (see my Twilight review below). I don't want to give too much away, especially to those who haven't yet finished the first book (what are you waiting for?!?), but in this novel, there is a lot less of Edward & his vampire family and a lot more of Jacob and his, um, "pack". As Bella and Jacob's friendship flourishes, Jacob becomes involved in his own mystery and of course, our Bella is right in the middle of it. As for Bella and Edward? It helps to have read or seen Romeo and Juliet here as the R&J theme is heavy in this novel. Think Romeo vs Paris, separated & distraught lovers, crucial MISinformation, warring families. This sequel provides a nice change of pace and an excellent buildup for major battles (there are many to be waged!) in the final book. I'm off to hunt it down in the shelves. Nobody else had better have it out!